For Parents

For Parents, Guardians, and Families – Please use the links to the left to explore each page. Each page has a multitude of sub-pages with more information. 

Research has shown that when parents are involved in their child's education, the student is more likely to perform better academically, have better attendance, and have fewer behavioral problems. By staying involved in your student's high school experience, you can help set them up for success both in the short term and in the long term.

There are many ways to be involved in your student's high school experience. One important way is to stay in communication with their teachers and school staff. Attend parent-teacher conferences, stay informed about their academic progress (via HAC and Canvas) and any concerns that their teachers may have, and ask questions if you are unsure about anything. Staying informed can help you better understand your child's strengths and weaknesses and provide valuable insights to help them improve.

Another way to be involved is to encourage your student to get involved in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, and music programs can help your student develop new skills, make new friends, and build self-confidence. They can also be a way for your student to explore potential career interests and gain experience that can be helpful when applying to colleges and universities.  You can find available clubs and activities on our website.

Additionally, you can be involved by supporting your student's academic goals at home. This can include helping with homework, providing a quiet study space, and encouraging them to read and explore new subjects. Showing an interest in their education can help motivate your student and foster a love of learning.

Finally, being involved in your student's high school experience can also help you stay aware of any challenges they may be facing.  If your student is struggling with a particular subject or is having a hard time adjusting to high school, being involved can help you identify these issues early on and work with us to find solutions.  You can find information about in-person and online tutoring on our website.

Being involved in your student's high school experience can have a profound impact on their academic success, personal development, and overall well-being. We encourage you to stay involved and to work with your student(s) and C. Milton Wright to ensure they have a positive and rewarding high school experience.