Incoming Freshmen Corner

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As a freshman or new student of C. Milton Wright High School, this year holds many new and exciting opportunities but the transition can also be overwhelming. As school counselors, we want to provide you with as much information as we can so that you can take advantage of the opportunities that will set you on a path to success for the rest of your high school career!

CMW school counselors aim to meet with their students at least twice a year – as freshman, we will meet with you early on to talk about high school graduation requirements, importance of a maintaining a good GPA (even in 9th grade), and school resources that can help you succeed. In the second half of the year, we will meet with you to register for 10th grade classes, checking to see that you are signing up for the appropriate classes to meet graduation requirements and that you are still being successful in your current classes.

Key points for a successful freshman year

Attendance: When you miss a day of school, you need to bring in a note to your homeroom teacher. You are responsible for asking your teachers for makeup work and scheduling a time to make up quizzes, tests, and/or labs. You must turn it in the next class period! Whew…all that extra work, you might as well do your best to come to school!

Time Management: Balance is key! Write out what your week looks like and make sure you have a scheduled time for homework and studying for tests, along with fun breaks, band, sports, etc.

Organization: Find a method that works for you – using your planner, setting alarms for due dates, a big calendar, etc. “I lost my homework” is not a valid excuse!

Help yourself: Teachers teach because they want to help kids! If you find yourself struggling, ask for help. Come see your counselor if you would like a peer tutor for additional support.

