
FAQ’s for Freshmen


Q: When does the school year start?
A: The school year begins on August 28th. We are excited to welcome all our freshmen on this day!

Q: What time does school start and end?

A: School starts at 7:25 (Warning Bell) and ends at 2pm. Please make sure to arrive on time to get the most out of your classes.

Q: Where can I find my class schedule?

 A: Class schedules are available on HAC and will be distributed on the first day of school in your homeroom.

Q: How do I find my classrooms?

A: There will be staff members and older students available to assist you in finding your classrooms during the first week. Additionally, maps of the school will be provided to help you navigate the campus.

Q: What supplies do I need for high school?

A: We recommend having basic supplies such as notebooks, pens, pencils, a backpack, and your student planner to stay organized. Your teachers may provide additional supply lists during the first week of school.

Q: Are there any clubs or extracurricular activities I can join?

A: Absolutely! We encourage all freshmen to explore the wide range of clubs, sports teams, and extracurricular activities available at C. Milton Wright. All clubs will be highlighted during freshmen orientation where you can learn more and sign up for clubs of interest.  You can also find details about all of the available clubs on the website:

Q: Is there a dress code at C. Milton Wright?

A: Yes, CMW has a dress code policy. Details about the dress code can be found in the student handbook or on the school systems’ website. Please make sure to adhere to the dress code guidelines to avoid any inconvenience.

Q: What resources are available if I need academic support?

A: We have various resources to support your academic success, including tutoring programs, study groups, and teacher office hours. Additionally, our counseling department is always available to provide guidance and assistance.

Q: When do I eat lunch?

A: Students eat during one of four lunches that take place during third period.  Lunches are scheduled based on the class you are in, for example, all math classes eat lunch at the same time and all PE classes eat lunch at the same time.  Lunches are not differentiated by grade.